12.03.2020 Author: Florian Attenhauser

International SENNEBOGEN dealer network meet in Straubing

The green cranes and material handlers of the Straubing based machine manufacturer SENNEBOGEN are used successfully all around the world. A global dealer network of around 180 sales partners look after the sale, marketing and, in particular, the on-site servicing of machines. At the start of March, the servicing specialists and those responsible for marketing met to exchange information and receive training in the SENNEBOGEN Academy.

With over 180 international sales partners and more than 300 service points around the world, SENNEBOGEN guarantees a seamless service for the material handlers and cranes manufactured in Straubing. Across all continents the dealers are the first port of call for global customers when it comes to sales, service or the fast supply of spare parts. One thing is clear, SENNEBOGEN machines do not work alone in important processes such as handling items in ports as part of the global transportation of goods, or in steelworks where they are continually handling scrap. Where necessary, qualified personnel need to be on hand too.

For SENNEBOGEN machines to remain reliable and available for use, they need to be regularly seen by servicing specialists. In workshops and at training events, the dealer representatives familiarized themselves with product upgrades and technical issues, and discussed contemporary service approaches, in order to, for example, better carry out remote servicing in the future. Those responsible for marketing used the opportunity to network with the others present, to talk about trends in communication and advertising, and to plan future activities and events.

Pictures of the dealer events