Plant en­gi­neer­ing

The assembly and maintenance of technical plants is a logistical challenge and demands extreme mobility and a high load capacity from the cranes involved. SENNEBOGEN crawler cranes and telescopic cranes are used for the unloading and assembly of components in plant construction, as service cranes for assembly and maintenance work on production plants, in wind power assembly, in the assembly of precast concrete parts and in dismantling. They prove themselves here first and foremost through

  • their easy transport
  • their short setup time on site and
  • the ability to operate at up to 100% of the maximum load in pick-and-carry mode.

Ad­van­tages of SENNEBOGEN cranes in plant con­struc­tion

Mov­ing under load

Pick and carry with up to 100% load. Cov­er­age of a large work­ing area and flex­i­bil­ity both on nar­row and ex­ten­sive con­struc­tion sites thanks to ro­bust crawler un­der­car­riage.

Plant en­gi­neer­ing pic­tures



Brochure Telescopic Cranes

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