SENNEBOGEN 830 Mobile Material handler Scrap handling Scrap Material handling
Customer-specific machines In­dus­try so­lu­tions & ap­pli­ca­tions

The right solution from SENNEBOGEN for every industry application

SENNEBOGEN offers innovative and customized machine solutions for various industries in material handling such as scrap and recycling, timber and forestry, port operations, bulk material and industrial applications as well as construction and demolition projects. Discover the many applications of our efficient handling and crane technology!

Wide range of in­dus­tries

In­dus­trial as­sem­bly

For lifting work in industry, we can supply you with mobile industrial cranes with telescopic jibs, various attachments and with lifting capacities of up to 120 tons.

Rent SENNEBOGEN machines and buy second-hand ones: large selection of rental and second-hand machines; Logo SENNEBOGEN rental used

Are you looking for a used or rental machine?

Find your perfect machine on our used and rental machine portal SENNEBOGEN Rental & Used!


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