Sennebogen News & Press

Confirmed in Wirtschaftswoche study: SENNEBOGEN is a top innovator

The machine engineering company SENNEBOGEN, headquartered in Straubing, is among Germany's most innovative medium-sized companies. The Munich Strategy Group (MSG) ranks the family-run business at a fantastic 17th place among the 400 most innovative businesses in Germany.

Commissioned by the business news magazine Wirtschaftswoche, the Munich Strategy Group (MSG) selected the German innovation champions from over 3,300 medium-sized companies.

Across multiple industries, the companies were assessed in terms of their performance data and validated by interviews with experts and surveys.  With an innovation score of 158, calculated from company performance and innovative strength, SENNEBOGEN Maschinenfabrik not only made it into the top 50, but was ranked at number 17 among the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany.


Innovative solutions from Straubing for the international market

For over 60 years the Straubing-based family-run business – now in its second generation – has developed and produced flexible machines from series production for the crane and materials handling industries at its factories in Wackersdorf and Straubing, and is a market leader in numerous countries. Product development has a particularly strong focus on availability and reliability. With a variety of innovations, the company – located in Lower Bavaria – has earned international renown, and today exports more than 85 percent of its production volume abroad.

"We are honored to see this level of recognition; it serves as a confirmation to us that we are going in the right direction with our products and new developments. In the future we will continue to inspire our customers with innovations and drive forward technical innovation," says the company's chief executive Erich Sennebogen, who was thrilled by the news of being among the top-20 ranking.


Locational advantage of Bavaria and the focus on internal training and continuing development

The study also highlights that the Free State of Bavaria offers an excellent platform for innovative companies. With 15 innovation champions, Bavaria surpasses both Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia, having the most firms listed in the top 50. But although the local conditions are good, the real source of SENNEBOGEN's future innovative strength is the training and continuing development of its own staff. With training in 15 different professions and the SENNEBOGEN Academy, the company relies on continuous qualification of staff in order to remain in a leading position throughout Germany in terms of innovative developments in the future.

Load test of the duty cycle cranes on the SENNEBOGEN factory grounds: Innovation made in Straubing.