Student internship Find out where your strengths lie.

Stu­dent in­tern­ship

An internship is the ideal opportunity to get to know a company and your planned field of work better. One-week student internships provide you with initial insight into apprenticeship contents and everyday work to make it easier to choose a career path. A brief internship is usually enough to give you a realistic impression of an occupational activity. You can get an initial overview of us, as well as the skilled profession you have in mind, within one week, or during school holidays.


“The internship allowed me to explore the work life for the first time and find out about various workflows at the company.”

Christof Endl
Technical college student, intern in purchasing

Skilled oc­cu­pa­tions to try out

  • Mechatronics engineer
  • Precision mechanic
  • Automotive painter
  • Technical product designer
  • Warehouse logistics specialist
  • Industrial business manager

other professions and combinations upon request

Ap­pli­ca­tion pe­riod

at least 3 months before commencing activity